Best in Class Methodologies in an Easy to Use, Fast, Affordable, Online Platform
Westbury, NY, March 12, 2019 – Insight Rabbit® announced today the launch of its new online, Do-It-Yourself Research Solution.
Insight Rabbit now gives clients access to their best in class research methodologies in a simple and intuitive DIY interface. Their technology delivers actionable insights that power brand growth. The Rabbit can uncover brand and category insights, screen concepts, evaluate and optimize advertising, track advertising performance, and measure brand equity. Users can easily program a survey in a few minutes and have results in 24 hours – with a pricing model that’s affordable, and a dashboard and deliverables that exceed expectations. Insight Rabbit looks forward to changing the way researchers think about DIY.
Insight Rabbit is powered by MSW Research, backed by 50 years of research experience, normative data and the most trusted, accurate, and independently validated methodologies available. Their Customer Commitment Persuasion measure is proven to be more accurate at predicting sales than any other commonly used metric of brand strength and is twice as effective as standard purchase interest questions.
RJ Scott, Director of Insight Rabbit said, “As our industry evolves to include more in-house and DIY research solutions, it can be challenging to implement these new technologies. Clients have been forced to make hard decisions between price, quality, and timing, often having to compromise on two or more. We’ve flipped that scenario. Insight Rabbit enables clients to have it all. Now, more than ever, choosing the right partnerships and the right technologies is vitally important to a company’s success. Our tools give clients trusted, high quality metrics and in-market validation in a fast, easy to use interface with the flexibility of DIY or DIFY.”
Art Klein, Partner, Co-President of MSW Research said, “we’ve been serving our client’s needs in the advertising evaluation and tracking space for more than 50+ years with best in class high-end consultancy. To address the recent uptick in demand for DIY solutions we’re launching Insight Rabbit to cover that end of the spectrum as well. What distinguishes Insight Rabbit from the current crop of solutions is that our clients, new and old, don’t have to settle because Insight Rabbit offers the same best in class, high quality, trusted methodologies as MSW in a fast, affordable, easy to use platform.”
About Insight Rabbit.
Insight Rabbit was launched to give clients access to best in class methodologies in a simple and intuitive interface that enables marketers to program a survey in a few minutes and get results in 24 hours for a price that can’t be beat and dashboard deliverables that exceed expectations.
About MSW Research, Inc.
MSW offers a product suite that evaluates, quantifies and optimizes the impact of advertising messages and campaigns comprising any combination of touch points, including television, print, radio, outdoor and digital. MSW helps marketers build brands by providing world class research solutions in the following areas: brand strategy, all stages of creative development from early concept to fully finished ads, campaign evaluation across all marketing and media channels, advertising and brand equity tracking, media planning and strategy, return-on-investment, and forecasting. The company provides solutions and consulting to marketers across traditional and digital marketing including: media mix optimization, media budget allocation, media and message connection, channel selection, digital media and emerging platforms.
MSW has a roster of marquee clients representing virtually every product category, including: Consumer Packaged Goods, Retail, Financial Services, Telecommunications, Technology, Automotive, and Pharmaceutical industries.
For further information, please contact:
RJ Scott, Director
Insight Rabbit
Phone: 516-394-6095
Email: rjscott@insightrabbit.com
Art Klein, Partner, Co-President
MSW Research
Phone: 516-394-6025
Email: aklein@mswresearch.com
Visit Insight Rabbit at www.insightrabbit.com